Before you embark on you Life Time Highs Tour please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with our terms and conditions, you’ll be glad you did.
LIfe time highs terms and conditions
General INformation
Life Time Highs acts solely as the organizer and host of the tours as outlined and is responsible for making all reservations and charting the routes with respect to destinations and itinerary as outlined but it is expressly understood and agreed by our cliets and passengers that Life Time Highs shall not be held responsible for:
To provide a credit card online system Life Time Highs provides via our web site or direct connection to a credit card Payment Service through a Secure SSL link. You warrant Life Time Highs Corp. that you are fully authorized to use the credit card details for the purpose of online transactions. Life Time Highs is under no obligation to provide the tour package to you until the credit card provider authorizes the transaction. The use of this website indicates your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions, whether or not you have signed the appropriate credit card forms. Therefore, by providing Life Time Highs Corp with authorization to use your credit card to pay for your Life Time Highs Corp vacation package, you are confirming that you will pay the total amount charged for those services to the card issuer according to your cardholder agreement. By providing the authorization to use your credit card, you are also acknowledging your acceptance of these Payment Terms and Conditions you indemnify Life Time Highs Corp, its employees, contractors and agents against any loss costs or damage that they may suffer because of your breach of any of these terms and conditions.
Life Time Highs Corp is under no obligation to provide the Travel Package ordered by you if Life Time Highs Corp has any reason to suspect that you are not authorized to use those credit card details, or your credit card provider has advised Life Time Highs Corp that it will not honor your credit card details in this regard. Life Time Highs Corp has no obligation to provide the Travel Package to you until your credit card provider has authorized the transaction.
The tour package prices do not include travel insurance. Life Time Highs is not responsible for any accidents or health card costs occurred on or during the tour. We strongly recommend that you make suitable travel insurance arrangements to cover (as a minimum) the costs incurred if you must cancel your trip or require emergency medical assistance, including repatriation, in the vent of an accident or illness whilst traveling domestically or internationally.
It is your responsibility to ensure the insurance you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs. It is your responsibility to comply with th einsurance company’s requirements and your duty to disclose to the insurance company of all relevant information. e.g. pre-existing illnesses
Although not anticipated, prices are subject to change. We strive to maintain all tour pricing but changes may be caused by significant fluctuation in currency rates, fuel surcharges, foreign country taxes, fees and other surcharges. Tour Prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars and are subject to change. Deposit and Payments and due dates vary depending on the tour. Casino packages, and any advertised events and attractions are subject to change without notice.
Bank records of payments made by e-transfer, cheques and credit card payments indicate receipt of payment, Life Time Highs will generate a receipt upon request. These will be forwarded upon request via email. If a paper copy is requested via regular Post Office mail, a $5.00 service charge applies to cover postage, envelopes, and administrative time.
Travel Documentation
You require a passport to enter the United States as well as many other countries. Please allow adequate time for your visa application to be processed before your date of travel. Non-Canadian citizens are required to have the appropriate documents (travel visa) to enter the United States prior to the day of travel. Please check with your consulate for accurate and timely information on required documentation. Identification is required for all trips and it is your responsibility to obtain and carry the proper documentation.
Citizens of other countries or landed immigrants, please check with the appropriate foreign consulate for entry requirements. Life Time Highs Tours is not responsible and will not refund tour fees if a passenger(s) is denied access at the border for any reason. If a passenger(s) is refused entry or detained at the border, the passenger(s) will be responsible for finding transportation home at their own expense.
Some facilities and tour destinations require valid government issued identification. PLEASE ensure your driver’s license or other valid government identification you wish to use has current dates and addresses. Some casinos, for example, may prohibit issuance of players cards to casino participants due to requirements set forth by the local municipality, province or state or country legislation. This identification can also help when obtaining medical aid.
Life Time Highs will not be liable for any losses, claims, damages, accidents, injuries, costs, expenses, delays or loss of enjoyment of any nature or kind whatsoever to you or your traveling companions, or group members resulting from events beyond our or a supplier’s reasonable control, including but not limited to: acts of God, weather conditions, floods, earthquakes, strikes, lockouts, or other labor disputes or disruptions, wars, terrorism, riots, or acts or restraints imposed by government authorities owing to a force major. This includes but is not limited to:
- Any costs including other travel arrangements incurred by passengers missing their departure.
- Passengers who, when traveling with Life Time Highs fall ill, become hospitalized or injured during their tour and / or miss their departure: any cost or other travel arrangements or accommodations incurred by the hospitalized or ill tour passenger or any tour passenger that stays behind with the ill, hospitalized, or injured passenger.
- Any delays, missed connections, loss, damage or injury to persons or property or for any substitution of carriage equipment beyond the control of Life Time Highs, or for any additional expense occasioned thereby.
- For cancellations that occur due to reasons beyond our control, passengers will not make claim for lost time, lost wages, travel time, fuel consumption or any other cost that may have been incurred by the passenger due to trip cancellation.
- Lost, misplaced, or stolen articles, luggage, clothing, or any other personal belongings. Please tag your luggage well, indicating your contact information clearly.
- Non-performance on the part of any hotel, restaurant, theater or other service for any act or omission that cannot be clearly directly attributed to the neglect of the tour organizer.
- Any act or omission by any third-party supplier such as ground transportation, flights, hotels and restaurants or other suppliers or their employees, representatives, or agents
- Any act or omission of you, your insurer, your broker, or any other party concerning travel insurance
- The passenger, and if under eighteen, the guardian/parent, indemnifies Life Time Highs, its employees, agents, and other representatives, from all costs, damage, loss, and injury or loss of life related to the tour package, or any activity associated with the tour package.
- Any additional costs incurred, or ancillary loss sustained because of cancellations or delays of tours caused by inclement weather conditions, acts of God, or any other event, which results in one or more person’s being unable to continue or fault of the organizer.
In the case of severe weather conditions, road closures or reasons beyond our control whereas Life Time Highs may not be able to travel safely, departure times may be canceled or delayed. If this should occur, every effort will be made to inform passengers of such changes and be provided with any information regarding the new departure times, schedule changes or cancellation. If any delay requires an overnight stay and additional accommodations not included in the original package or additional meals are required, the cost of such items will be the sole responsibility of the tour passenger(s).
Life Time Highs will not be responsible for transportation or any accommodations or other expenses for those passengers who do no travel with Life Time Highs when the motorcoaches are able to operate.
additional items
Life Time Highs works hard to provide satisfaction to each and every client and therefore reserves the right to decline any person as a member of the tour at any time before or during the tour, should such person’s presence be considered detrimental to the interest, comfort and enjoyment of the other tour members. Life Time Highs has a zero tolerance towards disrepectful, belligerent conduct and in the occurrence of such event, the passenger(s) will be removed from the tour. Subsequently there will be no refund issued and the passenger(s) must arrange their own transportation and travel arrangements at their own expense. Life Time Highs Corp., its agents and all passengers agree that the conditions set out herein are part of the terms between passengers and Life Time Highs.
All tour itineraries are subject to change without prior notice. Life Time Highs reserves the right to make any changes before or during the tour for the safety, comfort and enjoyment of the passengers and it is agreed and understood that for any increase in costs occasioned by such change shall be paid for by the passengers or any decrease in costs occasioned by the change shall be refunded to the passenger.
The passengers expressly agree to pay the tour organizer (Life Time Highs) such additional sums as may result from any changes to the appropriate currency exchange rate.
To reserve a seat on a tour you must agree to the Tour Conditions and provide us with a deposit per person as stated on each tour. We accept MasterCard, Visa, and e-transfer, personal checks, bank drafts, or money orders in Canadian dollars. Your final tour payment is due in our office at least 45 days prior to the start of the tour, in one payment. Missing the final payment deadline may result in your being removed from the tour. If you sign up for a tour less than 45 days before its departure, full payment is required.
Life Time Highs Tours and its employees reserve the right to take photographs which may be used for promotions and advertising, online and in print. By making a reservation with Life Time Highs Tours, we assume you have granted us the right to use your image without compensation. If you prefer your image not to be used, please notify us in writing on the first day of your tour.
Life Time Highs Tours disallows any person on any tour from the consumption of cannabis in any form while actively involved in tour activities, including riding on a tour bus. This policy applies equally to leisure or medicinal use, even if the person in question has a valid prescription.
The US Border authorities advise us that persons carrying Cannabis or Cannabis products, in any form across their borders will receive a lifetime ban from entering the United States. Additionally, persons who have used any Cannabis products, even for Medicinal reasons; persons who are employed by a Cannabis producer or distribution company; OR persons who own shares or investments in Cannabis producing companies are all not eligible for entry in the United States and may also face a lifetime ban from entering the United States.
By submitting an online booking the passenger acknowledges, agrees and understands that the reservation may involve risks, dangers, injury, losses and death, and the passengers on the booking fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, costs, and damages which may be incurred as a result of participation in the tour, whether the passenger made the booking themselves, or whether the booking was made on their behalf.
By submitting an online booking, the passenger hereby releases and discharges Life Time Highs Corp and its directors, agents, owners, officers, employees, and representatives from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages that may occur as a result of or during a tour, whether the passenger made the booking themselves, or whether the booking was made on their behalf.
All passengers, and if under 18 parent/guardian of the passenger, hereby agree to indemnify Life Time Highs Corp, its employees, agents, and other representatives, from all costs, damage, loss, and injury or loss of life-related to the tour package, or any activity associated with the tour package.
Check our website for individual tour payment due dates prior to the start of the tour. Missing the final payment deadline may result in your being removed from the tour, regardless of deposit – please contact us if there any questions or issues.
We look forward to creating life time memories together!
General Information A deposit or payment in full indicates acceptance of the Terms and Conditions are below.
Life Time Highs acts solely as the organizer and host of the tours as outlined and is responsible for making all reservations and charting the routes with respect to destinations and itinerary as outlined but it is expressly understood and agreed by our clients and passengers that Life Time Highs shall not be held responsible for:
On Line Credit Card Information
Life Time Highs provides via our web site or direct connection to a credit card Payment Service through a Secure SSL link. You warrant Life Time Highs Corp. that you are fully authorized to use the credit card details for the purpose of on-line transactions. Life Time Highs is under no obligation to provide the tour package to you until the credit card provider authorizes the transaction. The use of the website and / or providing the authorization to use your credit card, you are also acknowledging your acceptance of these Payment, Terms and Conditions You indemnify Life Time Highs Corp, its employees, contractors and agents against any loss costs or damage that they may suffer because of your breach of any of these terms and conditions.
Travel Insurance
The tour package prices do not include travel insurance. Life Time Highs is not responsible for any accidents or health card costs occurred on or during the tour. We strongly recommend that you make suitable travel insurance arrangements and / or trip cancellation to cover (as a minimum) the costs incurred if you must cancel your trip or require emergency medical assistance, including repatriation, in the vent of an accident or illness whilst traveling domestically or internationally.
Price Changes
Prices are subject to change. We strive to maintain all tour pricing but changes may be caused by significant fluctuation in currency rates, fuel surcharges, foreign country taxes, fees and other surcharges. Tour Prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars and are subject to change. Deposit and Payments and due dates vary depending on the tour. Casino packages, and any advertised events and attractions are subject
to change without notice.
It is your responsibility to ensure the insurance you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs. It is your responsibility to comply with the insurance company’s requirements.
Life Time Highs Corp is under no obligation to provide the Travel Package ordered by you if Life Time Highs Corp has any reason to suspect that you are not authorized to use those credit card details, or your credit card provider has advised Life Time Highs Corp that it will not honor your credit card details in this regard. Life Time Highs Corp has no obligation to provide the Travel Package to you until your credit card provider has authorized the transaction.
Life Time Highs will not be liable for any losses, claims, damages, accident, injury, costs, expenses, delays or loss of enjoyment of any nature or kind whatsoever to you or your traveling companions, or group members resulting from events beyond our or a supplier’s reasonable control, including but not limited to: acts of God, weather conditions, floods, earthquakes, strikes, lockouts or other labor disputes or disruptions, wars, terrorism, riots, or acts or restraints imposed by government authorities owing to a force major.
This includes but is not limited to:
1. Any costs including other travel arrangements incurred by passengers missing their departure.
Passengers who, when traveling with Life Time Highs fall ill, become hospitalized or injured during their tour and/ or miss their departure; any cost or other travel arrangements or accommodations incurred by the hospitalized or ill tour passenger or any tour passenger that stays behind with the ill, hospitalized or injured passenger.
2. Beyond the Control of Life Time Highs Corp. any delays, missed connections, loss, damage or injury to persons or property or for any substitution of carriage equipment beyond the control of Life Time Highs, or for any additional expense occasioned thereby.
3. Any additional costs incurred or any ancillary loss sustained as a result of cancellations or delays of tours caused by inclement weather conditions, acts of God, or any other event, which results in one or more persons being unable to continue or fault of the tour organizer;
i. In the case of severe weather conditions, road closures or reasons beyond our control whereas Life Time Highs may not be able to travel safely, departure times may be delayed or canceled. If this should occur every effort will be made to inform passengers of such changes and be provided with any information regarding the new departure times, schedule changes or cancellation. If any delay requires an overnight stay and additional accommodations or meals are required, the cost of such items will be the sole responsibility of the tour passenger(s).
ii. Life Time Highs will not be held responsible for transportation home or any accommodations for those passengers who do not wish to travel with Life Time Highs when the coaches are able to run. These expenses are the sole responsibility of the tour passenger(s).
iii. Cancellations that occur due to reasons beyond our control. Passengers will not make claim for lost time, lost wages, travel time, fuel consumption or any other cost that may have been incurred by the passenger due to trip cancellation.
4. Personal belongings: Lost, misplaced or stolen articles, luggage, clothing or any other personal belongings. Please tag your luggage well, indicating your contact information clearly.
5. Non- performance of services by suppliers: Non-performance on the part of any hotel, restaurant, theater or other service for any act or omission that cannot be directly attributed to the neglect of the tour organizer.
6. Indemnification: The passenger, and if under 18 parent/guardian, indemnifies Life Time Highs, its employees, agents and representatives, from all costs, damage, loss, and injury or loss of life related to the tour package, or any activity associated with the tour package.
7. Travel Etiquette: Life Time Highs has a zero-tolerance policy towards disrespectful, belligerent conduct and in the occurrence of such event, the passenger(s) will be removed from the rest of the tour. Subsequently, there will be no refund issued and the passenger(s) must arrange their own return transportation. Life Time High Corp. works hard to provide satisfaction to each and every client and therefore reserves the right to decline any person, as a member of the tour at any time before or during the tour, should such person’s presence be considered detrimental to the interest, comfort and enjoyment of the other tour members.
9. Acceptance of All Conditions: Life Time Highs, its agents and all passengers agree that the conditions set out herein are part of the terms between all passengers and Life Time Highs. Acceptance of the ticket for the tour or any payment given to Life Time Highs represents an acceptance of the aforementioned conditions.
This includes but is not limited to:
10. Tour Changes
All tour itineraries are subject to change without prior notice. Life Time Highs reserves the right to make any changes before or during the tour for the safety, comfort and enjoyment of the passengers and it is agreed and understood that for any increase in costs occasioned by such change shall be paid for by the passengers or any decrease in costs occasioned by the change shall be refunded to the passenger.
The passengers expressly agree to pay the tour organizer (Life Time Highs) such additional sums as may result from any changes to the appropriate currency exchange rate.
11. Final Payment
To reserve a seat on a tour you must agree to the Tour Conditions and provide us with a deposit per person as stated on each tour. Your final tour payment is due in our office at least 45 days prior to the start of the tour or as stated on our website, in one payment. Missing the final payment deadline may result in your being removed from the tour. If you sign up for a tour less than 45 days before its departure, full payment is required.
12. Photos / Videos
Life Time Highs Tours and its employees reserve the right to take photographs which may be used for promotions and advertising, on-line and in print. By making a reservation with Life Time Highs Tours, we assume you have granted us the right to use your image without compensation. If you prefer your image not to be used, please notify us in writing on the first day of your tour.
13. Cannabis / Policy
Life Time Highs Tours disallows any person on any tour from the consumption of cannabis in any form while actively involved in tour activities , including riding on a tour bus. This policy applies equally to leisure or medicinal use, even if the person in question has a valid prescription.
14. Waiver and Assumption of Risk
By submitting a booking the passenger acknowledges, agrees and understands that the reservation may involve risks, dangers, injury, losses and death, and the passengers on the booking fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, costs, and damages which may be incurred as a result of participation in the tour, whether the passenger made the booking themselves, or whether the booking was made on their behalf.
By submitting a booking, the passenger hereby releases and discharges Life Time Highs Corp and its directors, agents, owners, officers , employees, and representatives from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages that may occur as a result of or during a tour, whether the passenger made the booking themselves, or whether the booking was made on their behalf.
15. Indemnity
All passengers, and if under 18 parent/guardian of the passenger, hereby agree to indemnify Life Time Highs Corp, its employees, agents, and other representatives, from all costs, damage, loss, and injury or loss of life-related to the tour package, or any activity associated with the tour package.
Payments can be paid by credit card, cheque or E-transfer. Deposits are non-refundable.
Cancellation Policy All packages are transferable to another passenger provided Life Time Highs is notified of these changes. Please check with us to see if there are any restrictions on the package. All trips are guaranteed once minimum passenger requirements are met
Trip costs at or under $1000.00
A. Cancellation 60 days or more prior to departure full refund (less deposit).
B. Cancellation 0 – 59 days prior to trip departure %0 refundable.
Trip costs over $1000.00 or under $2000.00
A. Cancellation 91 days or more prior to departure full refund (less deposit).
B. Cancellation 61 – 90 days prior to trip departure %75 refundable (less deposit).
C. Cancellation 46 – 60 days prior to trip departure %25 refundable (less deposit).
D. Cancellation 0 – 45 days prior to trip departure %0 refundable.
Trip costs over $2000.00
A. Cancellation 91 days or more prior to departure full refund (less deposit).
B. Cancellation 61 – 90 days prior to trip departure %75 refundable (less deposit).
C. Cancellation 46 – 60 days prior to trip departure %25 refundable (less deposit).
D. Cancellation 0 – 45 days prior to trip departure %0 refundable.
Trips with Airfare:
Cancellation Policy: Deposit is non-refundable.
A. Cancellation 91 days or more prior to departure %75 refundable of payment (less deposit).
B. Cancellation 51 – 90 days prior to trip departure %50 refundable of payment (less deposit).
C. Cancellation 0 – 50 day prior to trip departure %0 refundable.
Hear from our clients’ experiences
I can't say enough good things about the trip to South Dakota and I believe it is due to you, our tour directors.
You go above and beyond for your passengers - I felt safe and didn't worry for one minute that my needs wouldn't
be taken care of. Kudos to you Sandy and Cathy! Thank you.
Barb Kelman
Travel with Cathy and Sandy. Your tour will be dandy! Or - Take a tour with us You’ll have fun on our bus! Or - Leave all the work to us, just relax on the LTH bus. Our tours are such fun, we’ll go everywhere under the sun.
We have always enjoyed the trips planned by Cathy & Sandy. They are very fun to travel with and made us all feel like family. Great attention to everyone’s enjoyment.
Travel with Cathy and Sandy who are always pleasant, friendly, efficient and organized!
It sure was a lot of fun!
Can’t wait for my next trip with Sandy and Cathy!
Loved the trip to Deadwood a few years ago
First time with new owners and VERY pleased. Everyone on the trip is more relaxed and happier. I love that you are having the group dinners for the single travelers. You are really attentive and thoughtful about the needs of the clients.