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About us

Discover our story

Cathy and Sandy met in November 1995 and married in June 1997.  Being passionate about people and travel, they purchased Life Time Highs in 2016.  They have traveled extensively throughout Canada, Russia, Estonia, Finland, Mexico, the United States, St. Lucia, Thailand, Malaysia, Spain, Portugal and Singapore; making them experts in the industry and the perfect tour guides for those wanting to make unforgettable memories.

LTH Tour Directors:

In charge of on-the-road logistics, ensuring confirmations for upcoming arrangements (hotels, meals, rest stops, side trips and step-on guides), meticulous planning, handling unexpected delays, damage control, and managing group dynamics.  We accompany the group throughout the entire tour, sometimes being away form home ofr 3- 4 days to weeks, depending upon the tour duration. Our commitment extends to being available 24/7 during the entire tour.
We’re right there with the group, though our lunch is a speedy affair as we confirm the next stop, address a guest’s broken glasses or misplaced medication from the previous hotel. Come evening, while you’re winding down, your tour director is inspecting the bus, suggesting improvements, coordinating the next day’s route with the driver, accompanying a client to the hospital, all the while keeping tabs on suppliers to ensure smooth operations and ensuring guest satisfaction.
Our toolkit includes patience, flexibility, compassion, and a good sense of humor, coupled with the ability to think on our feet; because in travel, the unexpected is par for the course! Whether it’s an illness, a bus breakdown, or weather-induced itinerary changes, decisions are made swiftly to keep everything on track.


Cathy of Life Time Highs

Cathy Munro

Cathy was born in Grande Prairie, lived in a number of Alberta towns and finished high school in Lethbridge. She graduated from Business at SAIT while working at several retail jobs usually ending up in management. Her professional working career was at Telus in business and in customer service. She brings her passion for social activities and travel into Life Time Highs. Most importantly she is the light and joy of Sandy’s life!

Sandy Munro

Sandy was born 300 miles north of Yellowknife in Kugluktuk (Coppermine). He has a forest technology diploma, commercial pilot’s license, worked in a coal mine, for the Forest Service, and was an Air Attack Officer. Following that, he ventured off to learn about the world of data acquisition and automation in the oil and gas industry. Sandy volunteers with his local community association as a board member and served as President of his hockey association.


We’re dedicated to making a positive impact with Life Time Highs Tours. It brings us joy to share that a part of your travel expenses goes towards supporting the education of two children through Chalice. This sponsorship empowers kids to overcome challenges, ensuring they have the resources to attend and persist in school, while also enabling families to provide nourishing food and enhanced care for their children.

We give back through Chalice who work in impoverished communities to help families overcome the cycle of poverty.  Education is the foremost important step in breaking the cycle.  Too often, children must skip class or drop out of school to carry water, care for siblings, or earn money for their families. Tours


Hear from our clients’ experiences


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